Ahpun is categorized into 3 project areas:
1. Ahpun - Western Topsets
Located immediately to the West of the Dalton Highway, the Independent Experts at Cawley Gillespie & Associates (“CGA”) have estimated a 2C Contingent Recoverable Resources in the Ahpun – Western Topset horizons as follows:
Gross Quantities |
Oil -mmbbl | 152.48 |
NGL - mmbbl | 129.58 |
Total of Oil and NGL - mmbbl | 282.06 |
Gas - bcf | 803.85 |
2. Ahpun - Alkaid
The smallest of Pantheon’s project areas, the Alkaid Zone is similarly located immediately west of the Dalton Highway, however in a deeper geological setting. The independent experts at Lee Keeling & Associates have estimated a 2C Contingent Recoverable Resources in the Ahpun – Alkaid project areas as follows:
Base Case |
Estimated Remaining Gross Reserves / Resources |
Classification | Oil (MBBLS) |
Wellhead Gas (MMCF) |
Possible Reserves |
2,800 | 27,389 | 2,328 |
Contingent Resources |
40,501 | 396,183 | 33,676 |
Total Resources |
43,300 | 423,572 | 36,004 |
3. Ahpun – Eastern Topsets
Located immediately east of the Dalton Highway in a much shallower geological setting where reservoir properties have the potential to be materially better than that of the Alkaid Western topset and Alkaid areas. Given no wells have yet been drilled into this area, Pantheon has not yet obtained an Independent Expert Report over the acreage. In Novemver 2024 Pantheon spudded the Megrez-1 well on this acreage to assess the Company’s 2U Prospective Resource estimate of 609 million bbls of ANS Crude and 3.3 Tcf of natural gas.
Aphun West Topset Reservoir

Aphun West Alkaid Reservoir

Project Overview
Ahpun was originally discovered in Arco’s 1988 Pipeline State-1 well and appraised by Pantheon’s Alkaid-1, Alkaid-2 and Talitha-A wells. It is situated underneath and adjacent to the Trans Alaska Pipeline Systems (“TAPS”) pipeline and the Dalton Highway. This advantaged location of Ahpun enables lower capex and faster development horizons compared to all other new oil field developments on the Alaska North Slope (“ANS”).
The Ahpun field is comprised of a set of deltaic topset horizons which contain the predominate resource in the field and the Alkaid Zone, a smaller and deeper accumulation around one quarter the size of the topset horizon. The Company's strategy is to progress Ahpun field development with a goal of cashflows by 2028 and financial self-sufficiency by 2029.
The figure on left shows how the permeability thickness of the Ahpun West reservoir varies and compares to the Alkaid horizon. Expected development well flow rates are directly proportional to the permeability thickness of the reservoir and these maps demonstrate the expected improvement in the Ahpun West topsets compared to the Alkaid horizon.
The near-term benefits of using modular production units in the early stages of the production operation are to expedite early cashflow and minimise initial capex, while acquiring valuable production data to assist future development planning. It also reduces development risk as the Company builds towards the target of financial self-sufficiency. In due course, a Central Processing Unit (CPU) with full facilities will optimise investment in full field capacity as the Company exploits the entire resource potential.
Aphun East Resevoirs

2024 Acquired Leases - Ahpun Eastern Topsets
Ahpun Eastern Topsets – 609 million barrels of marketable liquids assessed by the Company. Megrez-1 well spudded November 8, 2024 to confirm movable hydrocarbons in three of the nine mapped topsets with initial results expected by year end 2024.
The maps on left highlights that the Ahpun Topset Extension has multiple events, which indicate a high quality reservoir and strengthens the probability of containing light hydrocarbons. The Company estimates potential for 15-25% porosity and effective permeability of 5-20 mD in this portion of the reservoir, which is materially better than that encountered in any other wells Ahpun drilled to date. This is analogous to other recent discoveries on the Alaska North Slope.